I was introduced to yoga back in
2005 when a former colleague gave me a CD of Patricia Alden’s Beginner’s Yoga. At
first, I really didn’t get to appreciate nor enjoy yoga especially so that I was
only doing it alone at home. I don’t know if what I was doing was correct or
not. I stopped in the middle of the practice. The CD was then left untouched
and just accumulated dust in our CD rack.
Beginner's Yoga with Patricia Alden |
Fast forward to 2013, I was
invited by my Zumba-mates to try yoga at Metrosports. My husband was already
doing yoga then as cross-training for his running. As a newbie, I almost died
in the first session but that didn’t prevent me from doing it again and again. For
quite some time, I did yoga at Metrosports side by side Zumba. I felt my body
getting stronger every single practice. I used to suffer from insomnia. But when
I started doing yoga, I’ve also noticed I can easily and soundly fall asleep.
First Yoga at Metrosports |
I’ve been talking to people about
yoga since then. I even encourage friends to try it too. At some point, I was
able to talk to a good friend, Paul (God bless his soul – he died last year)
who was already practicing and teaching yoga at Citigym. I asked him if he can
teach yoga in the office for free. That started our private practice in the
office. We also invited several instructors to do an hour of Ashtanga or Power
Yoga. It was very convenient since we’re doing it right in the comforts of the
office and we can just go back to work afterwards. The company was also very supportive to allow us use the resources like our conference rooms as venue for our yoga. This also started the Health and Wellness Club in the office.
First Yoga in the office with Paul (+RIP) |
Then there was Teacher Blanne.
She became our regular teacher. It was through her that I became more confident
and stronger in my practice. There were some challenging yoga poses that I can’t
believe I was able to execute under her tutelage.
The good thing about this
activity is I also get to do it with my husband. On two occasions, we did SUP Yoga
(Stand-Up Paddle) together and also practice at Metrosports for several
sessions. We are on different stages since he’s a stronger yogi but we support
each other in our practice.
My journey with yoga is far from
perfection. I still cannot perfectly execute my chaturanga dandasana (low
plank) and I still need some spotting whenever I go up to Sirshasana
(headstand). But I will carry on and continue to practice yoga as much as I can. Aside from losing weight (which isn’t really happening boo!), yoga
keeps me grounded and at peace with myself. For years, I’ve been suffering from
insecurity due to my weight but with yoga, I learned to embrace and love my
body with all its curves. My mat has also become my refuge and diversion from
life’s stresses.
Life is better viewed upside down
I’ve read somewhere that yoga is not a destination. It’s a journey!
"May the light in me honor the light in you. Namaste!!!