Friday, May 20, 2011

If the world will end TODAY...

I think I am READY

I've said SORRY.


I have LOVED.

I have LIVED.

Photo taken at the shores of Pintuyan, Southern Leyte

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prodigal Blogging Daughter Is Back...With Rants & Raves!

I am back to writing again in this blog site and I’m taking a break from facebook for a while. I posted in my FB status “…will be on silent mode until further notice!” I feel that the more I linger in FB, the more I get lazy and leave things unfinished. So, I am reviving my love for writing and blogging. After all, blogging really helps me release whatever emotions I am feeling right now. Just allow me to release them here...
The past week has been toxic with my trip to Manila to attend the PAS National Convention, our Cebu Chapter AP Week Activities and some work-related issues. I was a walking zombie with dark circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep. My laptop and sun wireless broadband have been my best friends as I was answering emails nonstop and working on presentations like mad for our PAS activities. Then there were the speeches to prepare. I admit I am not good at impromptu speaking so I have to have something to read to guide me through. Then, there were coordination with committees, purchasing errands and some decisions to make. At work, our GM has questions that I cannot answer and it’s such a shame because I am supposed to know. We have issues with office maintenance, office expansion and government compliance. At the home front, I have some domestic duties left behind such as the enrollment of my daughter. SIGH! I tried as much to remain calm and composed amidst all these. I said to myself that I am made of strong stuff and that I will survive this.
But I guess I reached my rock bottom when I have to deal with people issues. I just lost it and broke down in tears in front of my husband while reading through an email sent to me by a fellow PASer. It was for me the last straw and I feel all my strength being sucked up. I told my husband that cannot do this anymore and that I cannot work effectively with people who hate me. But I got the shock of all shock because he was encouraging me to just let it pass. Until now, I still receive the cold treatment, the raised eyebrows and probably the talks behind my back but I will continue to endure. People you consider friends will hate you, will turn their backs on you, will ignore you but the world doesn’t’ end there. I still cry every now and then reading over that email and mourn over a lost friendship but I look forward to that day when I can no longer shed a single tear. 

Well, so much for these drama... uuhhmm yeah...the prodigal blogging daughter is back. I hope my reader of two (or three) will welcome me again into their browsers.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What We Did on Mother's Day

First, there was the PAS GMM that I shouldn't miss.

Second, there was the PACMAN-MOSELY fight that my husband was definitely watching. I can't compete with that.

But we're not really big on celebrations including birthdays and mother's day. So, I thought of just staying at Maribago Bluewaters after our meeting and let the kids swim and enjoy what's left of summer.

It was really raining hard and seemed like a typhoon was brewing but we had fun nonetheless. We were joined by my sister Magee (who is now an official PAS Member by the way) and my brother Christian (who we call Dodong or Shaki depends on our moods hehehe).

It turned out to be an afternoon of posing and projecting behind the camera...and lots and lots of fun.

Among the many roles I portray, being a MOTHER is the best role ever. It's the best gift a woman will ever may be a tough role to play but somehow I managed to get by because I have sweetest girls in the world who looks up to me with so much love. 

Anyway, I am sharing some photos below...and some are all over my facebook account.


Most Pinoys would choose Hongkong, Singapore or Thailand as their first country of destination.  As for me and my husband, we got our firs...