Monday, May 10, 2010

G1bo is the man

While the rest of the Filipino nation is queuing up at the precint polls today, I'm stuck in the office to work. As always, the company (being an American firm) doesn't observe Philippine holidays but then again, the reason why I'm in the office is because I cannot cast my vote. I miss one election then on the succeeding election, my name is no longer in the precint where I was suppose to vote. And I didn't get to register again when we moved to Lapulapu City. Shame on me!

Nevertheless, this didn't stop me from supporting one presidential candidate whom I think deserves every Filipinos vote. Weeks before the election, I have been campaigning for Gilbert Teodoro Jr. through Facebook. Why him? I say, why not him? A lot of reasons actually...

I have been following some of the debates sponsored by some television networks and I have seen how Mr. Teodoro answers the questions compared to other candidates. He is the total package of what the president of this country should be --- intelligent, clean and God-fearing, notwithstanding his track record in the government. I think, it has been forwarded and reforwarded in FB, blogs, emails, twitter the reasons why G1bo is the man for the highest position in this country.

Let me quote Daphne Oseña as she said in her blog "I'm not choosing the lesser evil. I am choosing the best person for the job at this point."

I hope and pray everyone makes the right choice today --- a choice that is not be based on personality and mudsliding.

hello Mr. President


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