The house is strangely quiet. No laughing and screaming. No banging of doors. No heavy footsteps on the stairs. No singing with the music on the radio. No deafening sound of cartoon characters from TV.
Everything's in proper order. No toys scattered on the floor. No shredded papers filled with drawings. No crayons strewn on the study table.
The bed is oddly dry in the morning with nary a stench of a child's pee. I couldn't describe waking up in the morning without Alex bursting into our bedroom still with that sleepy look and squeezing her little body to cuddle up in bed with me, hubby and her little sister. When Zabbie came, she's sleeping with my sister in the other room.
One day without her is completely depressing. I miss her. I miss kissing her goodnight and good morning. I miss her hugs and kisses. I miss her "I love you" in the morning and before I go to work. I miss her "thank you" every time I bring something from work. And despite the comfort of stillness, I still long for that little but lovely chaos to keep my sanity in-tacked and always, always made me special.
After our vacation in CDO, Alex decided to stay behind to be with her favorite playmate/uncle (who happens to be of the same age with her) - Brandon. While Zabbie is there to keep me and the husband entertained, it's still different when Alex is around.
Being away from us for the first time is something that I never really imagined. If I were to decide, I don't want her to stay behind but she insisted on staying. She must've felt the emptiness two days after we left when hubby's father called saying that Alex wanted to go home already. Now, our dilemma is who is going to pick her up since hubby cancels his trip back to CDO this weekend. But I know Alex so well and I know she'll survive this ordeal of being away from her parents. She's one tough cookie to crumble but I know, she's also a softie and easily weeps.
She's sorely missed!