This will be the third time that our company will be moving to another facility. The third time to move people and stuff around. The third time for some major adjustments. We're not so very lucky with the choices of our office locations. First was in Mango Square... it was a very controversial place that landed in the pages of local dailies. Second was in Lagon Technopark... the building we're in is lovely with zen inspired architecture but as they say, you cannot judge the book by it's cover. The place is hopeless and we're faced with facility problems left and right not to mention the flooding inside the office. But that's not the only reason why we're moving. The place also can no longer accommodate our increasing population.
So, we're off to Asiatown IT Park where most BPO's are located. We'll be occupying the 6th floor of TGU Towers - one of the newly-constructed high rise buildings in Asiatown. I'm really hoping that this will be our last stop. Moving around is stressful especially for the support group --- not much though for some departments who are less likely to experience what it's like to move stuff.
I don't really like the thought of moving. IT Park is way too far from where I live and transportation cost will be eating much of my salary. And the food there is expensive.
Truth is, I'm really gonna miss Lagon Technopark --- we've had some fond memories of the place you know. And these pictures will show...

Yeah, IT Park here come...