"The documentary film, The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe – that every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health and abundance. If you think positively, you will attract positive vibes. When I think that I’ll be the Administrative Professional of the Year, I became one.”
Above statement was supposed to be the intro of my acceptance speech but didn’t get the chance to say because I left the copy in my purse and it would look awkward running to my chair from the stage to get it. Nevertheless, I made it. I was declared as this year’s Administrative Professional of the Year (APY). Maybe I already knew it from the start that I’ll bag the award. The thought process was so powerful. It wasn’t an easy ride though – the written exam and the nerve-wrecking panel interviews. My mentors JPL and Ms.O were rooting for me and they never fail to give me the push. Now, I am among the roster of secretaries and administrative professionals who were recipients of this prestigious award. Yehey!!!
And boy oh boy did I receive fabulous prizes! I received a roundtrip ticket Cebu – Incheon – Cebu from Cebu Pacific Air (it’s time to get my passport...yeah,yeah me no passport yet **shy grin**), a gold ring with 4 pound pearl from M.Lhuiller, a TIMEX watch, cash prize and a lot more. I feel like winning a pageant or the Oscars’ last Saturday night and I couldn’t contain my happiness.
So, thank you PASAP for this recognition. It’s something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

More thank you's:
Dexter Alazas for my gown, Sylvette for the killer red shoes, Jon for editing my speech, Dona for the other dress I wore and Mary Ann for ironing my hair